Patricia O
DARE is a consultancy network, built on 30 years of expertise in Pragmatic Leadership Impact, Human Potential Development and Leadgility (Innovation and Change)
Dare is Q4 quality certified by CertUp.
DARE’s strengths
DARE has a strong, professional and international network of trainers and facilitators in various and complementary fields of expertise. They all share DARE’s values. All of our trainers have personal managerial experience on top of a solid pragmatic know-how and a valid academic background. Dare is multi-lingual, English, Dutch, French and Danish
DARE offers local, as well as an international, multicultural advise and facilitation, at all decision levels in a wide span of activity sectors.
Our Values
- Utility – we create sustainable value, based on pragmatism
- Partnership – we relate to our clients as partners not suppliers
- Validity – we share solid expertise and know-how
- Respect – we enable with care and respect – always
- Passion – we are purposeful and impactful in what we do
- Authenticity – we are authentic at all times, we value transparency
Our Convictions
- The Human Factor is key
- Complexity can be simplified
- Know-how should be shared generously
- Respect the past, facing the future
- You shape your environment and your environment shapes you
The Gordon Personal Profile-Inventory, GPP-I
Survey of Interpersonal Values, SIV
Survey of Personal Values, SPV
Perception and Preference Inventory ,PAPI-I and PAPI-N
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 16PF, Catell
Raven Progressive Matrices
Wonderlic Personnel Test
Belbin Team Roles
MBTI (expert user)
Purposeful Leadership Series
Leadership Pragmatics as 8 ”à la carte” one-day workshops
Leadership Pragmatics is a series of modular workshops that cover the main skills and insights, necessary to have a clear and sustainable impact as a leader. The modules can be taken seperately, as a complete set of complementary workshops or picked and combined in a customized way.
Module 1 (1 day)
- The Leader’s Playground and Potential Impact
- Challenge & support
- Autenticity and Personal Preferences (MBTI)
- Motivational Drivers
Module 2 (1 day)
- Leadership’s Communication Skills and -Responsibility
- Intention and perception
- Situational leadership
- Delegation
Module 3 (1 day)
- Coaching as a Leadership Style
Module 4 (1 day)
- Recruitment and Job Introduction
- Interview Techniques
- Jobdescription and Development Template
Module 5 (1 day)
- Team Behaviour and -Preferences
- High Performing Teams
- Teamdynamics and -Leadership
Module 6 (1 day)
- Leadgility (Leadership for Agility)
- Innovation and Change
Module 7 (1 day)
- Setting Goals and Objectives
- Performance Management
- Feedback and Underperformance Diagnostics
Module 8 (1 day)
- Resilience
- Stress management
- Prioritising and Focus
Module Zen (1,5 hour)
- Yoga for leaders